
Welcome to Witch and The Wheel, artisan soy candles connecting you to the Magic and wisdom of the seasons.

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All candles are made from 100% soy wax mixed with high quality... 

The Darker Months

This half of the year is all about letting go and retreating... 

The Wheel

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle celebrating 8 turning points throughout our journey around the sun. Each one holds an accompanying seasonal energy, all playing a part in the overall cycle of birth, growth, shedding and death before reaching birth again.

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The Witch

Hi, I’m Melanie, the Witch behind Witch and the Wheel. 

Best described as an old soul, a wise woman, an alchemist and lover of all things.

I live a truly magical life, co-creating with the universal forces that surround us and following my intuitive guidance (despite how uncomfortable this often is!)

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